Rain of Light, The Meng Lei Empire

"Awakening the Primordial Human bloodline by 1% requires as much as one 100,000,000 Divinity Crystals. This bit of Wealth I have is just a drop in the ocean. Rejected!

"Enhancing the metal-origin divine body by 1% requires 1,000,000 Divinity Crystals. The price is just as ridiculously high. Rejected!

"I can, however, buy some credit for my Power of Divinity. System, get me Power of Divinity equivalent to 10,000 Divinity Crystals!"


His Wealth instantly shrank by 100,000,000 Laws of Nature Origin Crystals. At the same time, his Power of Divinity reserves also went up to 10,000 Divinity Crystals.

"As for laws of nature comprehension, I shouldn't be in such a hurry to buy credit for it. I can do it after I've enhanced my divine spirit instead. The price will definitely be even lower at that point."

Meng Lei hastily ended the credit-buying session. Then, he ordered, "System, give me 10,000 Limitless Pickups!"
