A Spike In Wealth, A True God Melee

A dozen or so figures floated in the sky a short distance away from the Beast God Pass. Among them were Behemoths, Fox-Men, Tiger-Men, Lion-Men, Taurens…

There was a strong, forceful aura around every one of them, and they gave off vast, majestic divine power—evidently, they were all half-deities.

That's right, they were half-deities of the Beast People Empire. They were currently here at the Beast God Pass in hopes that they could aid the empire's army in eliminating the threat of the demon invasion.

However, all of them had become rather hesitant as they watched the hundreds of Demon Overlords that had suddenly come charging out.

With that many half-deity-level Demon Overlords there, wouldn't they just be throwing their lives away in vain if they also charged toward them?

A Tiger-Man half-deity asked hoarsely, "What should we do?"

The others had only silence as a response. None of them knew how they should answer him.