The God of Magical Beasts, The Graveyard of Gods And Demons

The Light Church's headquarters was located on the Holy Mountain of Light. The whole mountain was made of light-elemental elemental crystals and gave off a pure and tranquil sacred glow.

The Shrine of Light stood towering atop the sacred mountain.

Currently at the Shrine of Light…

Dressed in a pope's cassock, Pope Hayes stood in front of an enormous Goddess of Light statue as he prayed piously.

"Your Holiness!"

Four Red-Cloaked Archbishops wearing looks of immense fury on their faces suddenly entered the hall.

The pope paid them no attention and continued to pray piously instead. At the sight, the four Red-Cloaked Archbishops refrained from interrupting him any further and waited quietly.

It was only when the pope finished his prayers a moment later that he finally spoke. He asked, "Didn't you go to the Kroc Kingdom? Why are you back so quickly?"