By Our Lord's Decree, The Secret Of Heaven's Vault

"Ding! Pickup successful. You have obtained the Six-Winged Angel bloodline. Will you assimilate it?"

"No, don't assimilate it!"

"Ding! Pickup successful. You have obtained the Light Divine Technique Secret Art 'By Our Lord's Decree'. Will you assimilate it?"

"By Our Lord's Decree?"

Meng Lei paused for a while. Although Pope Hayes had been beaten to the ground easily, his divine technique had left a deep impression.

A pinnacle-level lesser deity that could cast an intermediate deity-level Divine Technique, the boost in power was that great!

"I must check it out!"

In a split second, a barrage of information surged into his mind. After quite a while, Meng Lei finally finished absorbing the knowledge, and a hint of amazement flashed across his eyes.

By Our Lord's Decree—a light-elemental divine technique of the Angel Gods which was several times, even up to dozens of times powerful, that of ordinary light-elemental spells!