Clash Of The Greats, Abyss Skeletal Dragon

"The higher deity is a whole different realm. Assimilating two types of laws of nature is a higher deity. Assimilating five types of laws of nature is also a higher deity. The gap in between is huge!"

The black-robed middle-aged man attacked while he said coldly. "You've only just broken through and dare to oppose me already? You have no idea of death!"

After another series of attacks, the black-robed middle-aged man finally stopped. "Little fellow, I'm giving you one last chance. Hand over the Tower of Time and submit to me, and I'll let you live!"

Meng Lei retreated to afar and let out a long breath suddenly as he looked at the man.

"Although what I'm about to say is a little hurtful, I got to say that your massage was very relaxing and comfortable. I'm very satisfied!"

The black-robed middle-aged man's face darkened, and a cold glint flashed in his eyes. "Kid, you're seeking death!"

"Seeking death?"