The Grim Reaper's Eye Evolves, Killing The Demonic Emperor


Dazzling golden light burst forth from Meng Lei. It shone with such radiance and resplendence and dazzled the eyes so much that one couldn't even look directly upon it.

At the same time, a terrifying force that reached into the heavens and deep into the ground engulfed the area and swept through every inch of land, crushing everything in all directions.

Dazzling golden light, a sharp aura of slaughter… Added to this that familiar appearance of a cockatoo-like head, a snake-like neck, a strong jaw, a raised back, and a fishtail…

"That aura… And that appearance…"

The Dark Hell Demonic Emperor's eyes widened big and round as he exclaimed, "Why does it resemble a Divine Netherworld Phoenix so much!?"

"No, it's not so much that it 'resembles' one as it IS one!" The Three-Headed Hell Empress' eyes bore into Meng Lei as she declared, "It is a Divine Netherworld Phoenix just like you are!"