Ambrose, The Fairy Goddess

"A Chief God grandmaster! And a Great Perfection expert!

"The Theodore Titan Gods are really as powerful as I've expected!"

Many fearsome forces existed in the Thunderbolt Divine Realm. The Theodore Titan Gods were exactly one of them.

As one of the most powerful forces in the Thunderbolt Divine Realm, the Theodore Titan Gods were extremely influential. There were innumerable Sky Titans in the clan, and only high-level ones qualified to become clan elders.

There were a total of 127 elders in the Theodore Titan God clan. Apart from them, they also had a Great Perfection expert as well as a Chief God among their ranks.

A Great Perfection expert was one that had fused five types of laws of nature into one, while a Chief God was a supreme god among the gods—one could easily imagine just how fearsome the Theodore Titan Gods were.