Primordial Human, Packed Up For Enhancement

The group of experts around a million-strong was from different factions, so commands would naturally never be standardized, not to mention stacking up God's Domains in sync.

The result was disastrous.

Before Meng Lei could attack them, the experts imprisoned each other, and they could barely move. It was utterly miserable!


Meng Lei would not let this chance slide pass, so he started a one-sided massacre with heads flying around in the air.

"Remove your God's Domains, you bastards!"

Some of the experts bellowed angrily. For once, the commands were standardized as various God's Domains were finally removed at the critical moment. The imprisonment disappeared.

After regaining mobility, the experts charged at Meng Lei furiously, trying to vent out all their rage on him.

"Damn it!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill this bastard!"

"The Monarch's treasure is ours!"