A Chief God Bandit, Mysterious Black Fog

The Earth Divine Realm was indeed inconceivably huge. It took them a whole week just to get out of Double Realm Mountain.

Of course, this was also partially due to Meng Lei. In order to "take" all the Divinity Crystals lying in abundance everywhere, Meng Lei had refrained from using the Great World-Breaching Transfer Technique, leading to their slow progress.

As the saying went, "From small increments comes abundance". After a series of ransacking, he had collected a fairly impressive amount of riches. Going by a rate like that, Meng Lei believed that he'd be able to put together enough money very soon for the 5 trillion Divinity Crystals that he needed in order to buy credit for one of his supreme laws of nature!

The path ahead was a smooth and level one!

Thus, Meng Lei was naturally filled with motivation.