Time Replay, The Godly Clans' Treasuries

"No, you can't kill us! By the Chief God Treaty's rules, Chief Gods are prohibited from killing one another. Otherwise, they'll become the public enemy of all Chief Gods! The four great juggernauts will never let you off!"

The three Chief Gods were in a total panic—or rather, they were close to despairing.

They were lofty Chief Gods. They still had a long, great life ahead of them. They still had innumerable rare and exotic treasures that they had yet to enjoy…

They didn't want to die!!

But they were utterly powerless against a Supreme Great Perfection deity that rivaled a higher Chief God. Thus, they could only pin their hopes on the Chief God Treaty right now!

"The Chief God Treaty?"

Meng Lei raised an eyebrow.

"The Chief God Treaty is a set of laws used to restrict all Chief Gods."