Space Exchange, Ten Thousand-Tentacled Serpent

Fury filled the Nidhogg clansmen! Immense fury!

This was their, the Nidhogg clan's, headquarters, a place that even people from the clan such as themselves didn't dare to enter so casually, let alone a bunch of thieves.

Yet that same bunch of thieves that had popped out of nowhere was doing as they pleased in the Colossal Dragon Mountain and burglarizing their Nidhogg clan treasury! This was unforgivable!

"Kill them!"

"Kill those thieves! Show them the consequences of making trouble here!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Trillions of Nidhogg clansmen attacked at once. Various attacks pelted Meng Lei and the others from all directions as though meteors shooting across the sky.

The attacks' terrifying might and momentum, as well as their fearsome, all-engulfing destructiveness, made Puhaman and the others' expressions change greatly.

They cried out in their minds, "Help, Master!"