Increase in Food and Evolution Points

Gigantic plants.

Gigantic trees…

In the deserted forest island, the cries of wild beasts rang out from time to time.

Far away in the distance, a beautiful rainbow hung high in the sky. Evidently, a downpour had taken place not too long ago.

Every now and then, birds flew past.

Occasionally, a couple of creepy-crawlies passed by him too…

However, at this very moment, Ye Bei wasn't in the mood to pay attention to any of that.

Coiled up in the snake den between the tree trunks, his eyes widened as he stared blankly at the fluorescent screen that had appeared in front of him.

Infinite Evolution System!

Name: Ye Bei!

Species: Blood Python.

Age: Under one year old! (Baby Python)

Lifespan: Ten years.

Evolutions points: 1/1000

Level: LV1.

Language: Snake Tongue.

Ability: None.

Disciples: None.

Territory: None.

Quest: To obtain self-protection abilities, please carry out the next stage of evolution in the shortest time possible.

Drip… Congratulations, Host, on obtaining the Infinite Evolution System. You have now been rewarded with a big gift package. Would you like to enable it?

Indeed, on the screen right before Ye Bei's eyes, these very words appeared. After he read them, Ye Bei started to wonder if he was in a dream. It was unimaginable enough that he had become a snake, and now, as a snake, he was able to bring with him technology like operating systems?

Emotions surged violently in his heart.

However, Ye Bei was finally able to calm himself down…

Since these were his current circumstances, being able to survive in this forest was his first and foremost priority. At the very least, in the future, he could possibly become a real dragon that the legends spoke of, and would thus be able to transform into a human and return to his place among Man.

With that intention in mind, Ye Bei opened his mouth to speak.

"System, how do I enable the gift pack?"

"You only need to speak the words 'Open the gift pack.'"

The voice from the system sounded mechanical, and the speed of the reply surprised Ye Bei.

"Well then, open the gift pack!"

He fought to remain calm.

Upon uttering the words aloud, the fluorescent screen before his eyes changed again. A yellow copper box suddenly appeared on the screen, and the box slowly opened. Ye Bei opened his eyes wide and found two sharp fangs inside the box.

What was this?

His curiosity was piqued…

Ever user-friendly, the system gave him an explanation right away.

"Congratulations, Host, on opening the copper gift pack and obtaining a pair of Venomous Cobra Fangs! Please decide if you would like to put it on. Remarks: As a python aiming to evolve into a real dragon, what would the difference be between you and a dead fish if you didn't possess the mouth of a predator?"

"That awesome?"

Upon seeing the fangs and hearing the voice of the operating system, Ye Bei was taken aback momentarily.

"Of course I'll put it on," he answered brusquely.

Immediately after he said this, Ye Bei suddenly discovered that two additional objects had appeared inside his mouth… It was a pair of venom-filled fangs, and they had integrated completely with Ye Bei's body the moment they appeared.

At that instant, Ye Bei realized that he was seemingly able to control the release of the venom from his fangs through sheer force of will.

Even an elephant, if bitten by the venomous fangs, would be paralyzed on the spot.

"These venomous fangs are really remarkable. With these, it probably won't be much of a problem trying to stay alive!"

Ye Bei nodded his head imperceptibly, satisfied with the yellow copper gift pack.

"Well, System," Ye Bei continued, "how do I obtain more evolution points? And if I satisfy the requirements for evolution, how long will it take for me to become a real dragon?"

"Evolutions points are awarded based on the strengths of the creatures consumed by the Host! The greater the life, the more points you will obtain! Moreover, your body has been systemically modified. As long as there is a sufficient number of creatures, you may consume an unlimited amount without worrying that your body will burst."

"That's amazing!"

Ye Bei's eyes lit up upon hearing that.

If it was really as the system said, all he had to do was continue eating… As long as he continued to consume more powerful creatures, sooner or later, he would evolve into a real dragon and gain the opportunity to transform into a human being!

But just as this thought arose, an opposing thought occurred in Ye Bei's mind.

He was currently a snake… If he wanted to evolve, he would have to eat live creatures. But at the end of the day, he was still in possession of his human consciousness, and the mere thought of having to eat the raw and living creatures was enough to make his stomach churn.

Coiled up in the snake den, Ye Bei was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle with himself.


However, after approximately ten minutes, a mouthwatering aroma wafted over to Ye Bei's nose.

Gurgle gurgle…

Inside his body, the feeling of hunger surfaced yet again.

Following the scent of the food, Ye Bei twisted his brand new body and carefully left the eggshell-laden snake den. Coiling his body around the tree trunk, he seemed to rely wholly on instinct to inch his way up toward the fragrance.

This was a very huge tree, and its branches interlaced with each other.

Three minutes later, Ye Bei saw a bird's nest that was built entirely out of dried twigs.

The strong fragrance came from within the bird's nest.

It couldn't be baby birds, could it?

Was he really supposed to consume them?

His eyes staring intensely at the bird's nest, Ye Bei grappled with his conscience. However, the cold, murderous intent in his eyes slowly made the surrounding air frosty.

Hiss hiss hiss…

He was getting close now!

He continued forward.

Two meters, one meter, half a meter!!!

As quietly as possible, without a single sound…

…he raised his head!

It was his first time hunting, and Ye Bei was still struggling with himself internally.


When he raised his head and looked into the bird's nest, he found 15 eggs, each the size of a human fist, inside the nest. The original conflict in his eyes immediately gave way to excitement.

"They were actually eggs! That's great! I guess my first meal is turning out to be pretty good." This thought suddenly popped into his mind.

Then… he reached his head into the bird's nest and opened his mouth. In a single mouthful, he gobbled one of the eggs whole.

The huge force from his jaws caused the warm yolk of the egg to squirt inside his mouth, and the rich flavor gave him a huge sense of gastronomic satisfaction.

As the fresh yolk flowed into his mouth, the voice of the system resounded immediately…

"Congratulations to the Host on successfully consuming one Black Eagle egg and obtaining ten evolution points!"

A single egg alone could account for ten evolution points?

Evidently, these points weren't hard to obtain at all…

At the same time that Ye Bei was thinking this to himself, his cold eyes set sight on the second egg.

However, at that very moment, Ye Bei completely failed to notice that in the sky, in a distance not too far from the nest of eggs, a black eagle with hostility in its eyes was rapidly flapping its wings and violently charging over at an unbelievable speed.