The Group's Absolute Shock

Thud thud thud...

The sound of running.

"Quick! Follow that dark silhouette... Once you find an opportunity, shoot immediately."

Manuel yelled.

With their strong stamina, despite the fact that they were carrying rocket launchers, they were still able to move like the wind.

The five mercenaries behind him quickly caught up.

They locked onto the dark silhouette. As they ran, they did not even blink, as if afraid that they would lose their target in the blink of an eye.

Hu hu hu!

However, the dark silhouette was just too fast. After trailing it for an hour, no other creature had appeared except for the dark silhouette. However, after an hour, they had still let the dark silhouette disappear. The biological detector was of no use.

"Bastard! Let it run away still. It's so fast, just what is that thing?"