I seem to Smell the Scent of Death


More and more mutated beasts charged out of the forest and gathered together from all directions. They formed a large and formidable group.


Ye Bei couldn't help but breathe rapidly upon sensing the increasing number of the mutated beasts.

There weren't so many mutated beasts when he was slaughtering the crocodiles before.

It had only been two days.

The number of mutated beasts had increased by at least 10,000.

As for how many more mutated beasts were hidden on this island, Ye bei really could not tell. The experimental island was very big and could easily accommodate more than 100,000 creatures. Ye Bei's eyes slowly swept across these mutated beasts.

He was indeed very powerful.

However... if they were to fight for real, he might suffer a great loss since there were too many mutated beasts.