Mutant Beasts Gathered for Revenge

Ji ji ji!

Tch tch!

In the sky, there would be some mutant birds flying over from time to time, making such sounds.

It was just that their height was too high.

Even though Ye Bei had noticed them, he was unable to eat them.

At this moment.

Ye Bei's body length had already reached 41 meters, and after swallowing more than 50 mutant beasts in a row, it started to grow again.

His body was coiled up on the broken rocks.

His extremely long body covered almost half of the concentric square shaped rocks.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing 51 mutant beasts. You have obtained 1,130,000 evolution points."

This was the system's voice.

Sensing the changes in his body and hearing the system's voice, Ye Bei was slightly surprised.