The Beast Hordes Encircling

Rustle rustle rustle!

Under the violent tremors, the leaves on the huge trees in the forest rustled as they fell.

It was now daytime.

In the sky, the dazzling rays of the sun shone down through the leaves, leaving circular light spots on the forest ground.


Because the place where Ye Bei was located did not have many large trees in the surrounding.

Especially in the concentric square-shaped gravel... As the sunlight shone directly on it, and the grayish-white stone reflected a dazzling light.

Snakes were cold-blooded animals.

When the sunlight shone here, the hatching of snake eggs could be sped up.

This was also one of the main reasons why the reticulated pythons chose to lay their snake eggs here.

Hua la la.


In the distance, all sorts of continuous intense tremors could be heard.