
The sky above Research Island was covered in dark clouds.

The sun had been shining brightly for more than a month, and a heavy rain was about to fall.

The sky was dark.

The air was wet.

Whoo whoo whoo...

Under the gloomy weather, the wind on the sea became more and more intense. When it blew, it made continuous whistling sounds.

Hua la la!

However, this sound was obviously unable to hinder the movements of the mercenary base... The main reason why the mercenary base had chosen to declare war on Research Island today was because they knew very well that when it was raining heavily, the movements of many mutant beasts would be hindered and their attack power would be reduced to the lowest.

The rainstorm was a great opportunity for the mercenaries.

At the moment!

At the center of Research Island, more than a thousand pythons were gathered together.

Half of their bodies were coiled up, while the other half was erect.