
Hu hu!

On the sea, due to the storm, the whistling wind and huge waves continuously hit the beach.

If not for the dark clouds sinking.

What happened here on Research Island today would definitely be monitored by the satellites of the various countries in the human world.

Ci ci!

Ta ta ta...

On the beach, almost half of Ye Bei's body was covered by the seawater, while the other half of his body stood up high.

The waves hit his body, making ci ci sounds.

A large amount of heavy rain fell on Ye Bei's body, making ta ta ta sounds.

Hiss hiss!

The scarlet tongue stuck out from his mouth, making hissing sounds. After evolving into a Titan Python, the two sharp fangs at the corner of his mouth had been kept in. However, at this moment as his tongue stuck out, that huge body and huge head, as well as the two rows of neatly arranged teeth in his mouth were even more terrifying.