The Ability in the Platinum Treasure Chest

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

On the sea, strong winds blew, and huge waves continued to slap.

After the battleship had been destroyed, the originally dark clouds in the sky actually showed signs of dispersing now, and the rainstorm slowly stopped as well.

In the dark clouds, a crack appeared.

It was as if it was torn apart by a pair of huge hands.

Dazzling sunlight shone through the crack, landing on Ye Bei's body.

Under the sunlight, his grayish-black body seemed to be covered in scales, but the light it reflected was golden.

A sacred God!



On Research Island, the mutant beasts looked at Ye Bei from afar. Unknowingly, there was no longer any fear in their eyes. Instead, it was only submission and respect.

"King! So powerful!"

"This is too crazy...I feel that the day of the rise of our snake tribe has arrived."

"The snake tribe, the mutant beasts, all must rise!"