Gu Yue

Swoosh swoosh swoosh!

Although the storm had ended, the breeze blew continuously on the sea due to the drastic temperature change after the storm.

A 120-meter-long giant python coiled around a large ship.

The top of the ship was lifted.

There were debris and steel plates everywhere.

However, a red wireless phone was placed inside.

The snake was controlling his huge body to gently press the numbers on the red phone.

This scene was absolutely shocking.

The python had no hands...

His body was too huge.

It was like humans, instead of using their fingers, he used his head and forehead to press the phone that had been shrunk by ten times.

The difficulty could be imagined.

However... all of this didn't seem to be too difficult for this giant python.

The numbers were all pressed.

Only one button left!

However, at this moment, the giant python paused.

His breathing became slightly heavy.