Bone of the dead (Fourth update)

A silvery-white light shone brightly in the depths of the ocean.

The three mystic pearls formed a triangular.

Mysterious patterns and countless lines outlined a strange eye.



It was filled with mysterious power.

After the energy was reached, the eye, as if it had come alive, kept staring at Ye Bei. Powerful mental power was released from the eye.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that hundreds of millions of lives were humming, and the buzzing sound kept resounding in Ye Bei's mind.

If Ye Bei was slightly weaker, this mental power might be able to control Ye Bei immediately.

Evil eye!

The first name that Ye Bei could think of when he was looking at the eye.


"I've seen it before! It must be it. It's absolutely correct!"

Hiss! Hiss!

The next moment, Ye Bei opened his eyes wide and spat out his crimson forked tongue, muttering to himself in terror.