Stunned Logistics Mercenaries (9th update)

It was a bottomless sea.

There was no light.

However...when the mercenary base was established, it had been anticipated that it would perhaps be ambushed by submarines, so a detector had been placed in the depths of the sea from the very beginning. It was able to display the situation at the bottom of the sea on the computer using the distance of sound waves.

At this moment, the fit-bodied Russian opened his eyes wide, and the cigar at the corner of his mouth fell to the ground.

He was in charge of monitoring the bottom of the sea...

It was not an exaggeration to say that the detector had never discovered any enemies after all this time.

But now...

His whole body was not in a good state.

On the computer, there were huge pythons. According to the data, the longest python was actually more than 120 meters, and the smallest python was more than 10 meters! There were more than 1,000 of them.
