156 reproduction

(in the experience of writing a book, the first alliance leader could not believe it! Add two more chapters...)

"Host, the evolution of the genetic stage will cause the host's body to enter a period of slumber. Once activated, during the evolution, all abilities will be unable to be used normally. I suggest that the host find an absolutely safe place to evolve."

The system's voice was cold.

Jungle of death!

After hearing this, Ye bei immediately thought of the jungle of death.

In the next second, the space in front of him started to distort..

However, after the space distorted to a certain extent, it disappeared.

"Wait! During the evolution, my ability will also be unable to be used normally. If that's the case, if I head to the jungle of death now, won't the mutated beasts at the bottom of the sea be drowned alive?"

Ye bei forked tongue.

When he said this, his heart trembled.
