Causing a sensation in the world I


In a large news company.

A man in a suit was sitting in front of a computer, browsing through the information sent back by the satellite.

This man's name was Barran, and he was the main person in charge of the news company's satellite launch ...

In this day and age, news companies launching satellites to obtain information from major countries and hype them up was already a common occurrence.

Today was just like any other day. Barran was leisurely and uninterested in browsing through some scenes captured by the satellite.

After all, with the development of technology, the major countries were not stupid.

There were simply too many satellites in the sky. Any truly valuable information would be strictly processed and would not be discovered.

Barran had not expected to discover anything big today.

He only hoped to see some valuable information that could be hyped up.

One card, two cards, a hundred cards.

His browsing speed was very fast.