Crazy human

On the Lost Island, on the beach, ye bei's short words had completely resolved the conflict in Golden Lion and the others 'hearts.

"King, don't worry. As long as we have enough food, I'm confident that we can gather all the Lions in the world. When that happens, the number of mutant Lions will increase by tens of thousands of times."

The Golden Lion growled, its eyes filled with anticipation.

In his mind, just the thought of countless mutated Lions treating him as their King made him feel unprecedented excitement.

"Yes, my King! We will do it too."

&Quot; yes! &Quot; Wang Wen agreed.

A cold glint flashed in his eyes. From his appearance, it was clear that this fellow had already made humans his number one target to devour.

Chi Chi!

&Quot; yes, everyone, get ready. We'll stop the reproduction and subdue the local beasts on the Lost Island. Then, we'll go to the Sahara Desert. &Quot;

Ye bei continued, sticking out his forked tongue.