The appearance of the mutated human

What was this feeling?

As a Python, ye bei's body had undergone a qualitative change.

This body alone had an innate sense of danger ... However, this was only a sense of danger, and it wasn't a life-threatening threat to ye bei.

Hu hu hu!

In the next moment, a vast amount of mental power spread out from ye bei's body.

In order to prevent his mental power from being depleted, ye bei had only occasionally released his mental power recently to check out the situation around the Lost Island. Whenever he discovered any humans, he would send the snake tribe Army to kill them.

The crisis that appeared in his mind this time should be that some humans had mistakenly entered the Lost Island and targeted him when the devouring Pirates had not released too much of their mental power domain.

Hualalalala ...

&Nbsp; Whoosh!

As he released his spiritual power domain, he could see every tiny detail within a thirty-kilometer radius.
