Completing the hidden mission


A mutated monkey jumped into the Atlantic Ocean. Its entire body submerged in the water and disappeared.

Hualalalala ...

Wang Wen, Chun, Hua, Qiu, Yue, Xun, Huan, Zuo, and le led thousands of mutated pythons into the Atlantic Ocean. The White waves churned, but soon calmed down, and no pythons could be seen anymore.

&Nbsp; Hong long long ...

As for the Golden Lion and the other huge beasts, they jumped into the ocean, making loud rumbling sounds.

Tens of thousands of mutated beasts completely disappeared from the island in less than ten seconds, as if they had never been there.

On the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, only the remaining waves proved that something terrible had just happened here.

"They ..."

"Are we all going to die?"

&Quot; a creature from the land jumping into the sea? that's impossible! &Quot;