Commotion and reactions from various countries (3)

Tap tap tap tap ...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bang Bang Bang ...

On the Atlantic Ocean, a huge amount of firepower was unleashed, as though the bullets were free.

Even the air was filled with the thick smell of gunpowder ...

However, when the humans realized that the bullets didn't affect ye bei at all when they hit him, the fear in their hearts increased exponentially.

The first one was the white-robed bearded man from Africa.

"God! What the hell ... This monster can't even be hurt by bullets? The same goes for the rocket launcher ... How was he supposed to hit it? We can't bring any heavy weapons on our ship this time."

His eyes were wide open as he muttered.

Fear continued to spread in his mind ... Before he came here, he was full of confidence and wanted to slaughter the sea monsters and turn the Lost Island into his back garden. But now, he realized how naive he had been.