Soul transfer technology

He released his spiritual domain.

In an instant, ye bei knew the entire cave like the back of his hand. He could even clearly sense the more than 1000-meter-long passage at the entrance of the cave. Moreover, his mental power this time seemed to be much stronger than before.

Within a 30km area.

In the Sahara Desert, around the sand dunes, Wang Wen, Golden Lion, Chun Hua, Qiu Yue, Xun Huan, Zuo, and le, as well as tens of thousands of miniature mutated beasts, were lying on the Golden sand. The hot temperature didn't affect them much. They looked up at the sand dunes from time to time, their eyes filled with curiosity and doubt.

Chi Chi ...

Some of the mutated reticulated pythons flicked their forked tongues, as if they were filled with killing intent toward the rattlesnake in the sand dune. However, without ye bei's orders, they could only watch quietly, not daring to move forward.