Living plant seeds


The distorted space disappeared, but a living giant tree more than 100 meters tall appeared in the cave.

The roots were deeply rooted in the ground.

Because the branches and tree trunks were too big, the cave couldn't fit them at all. They all stabbed into the surrounding walls of the cave and even pierced through the walls.

"Increase, continue to increase! In addition, start reproducing the seeds."

After seeing the living tree, ye bei flicked out his tongue and said, "

As soon as he finished speaking ...

The tree seemed to understand what ye bei was saying.

Chi Chi!

Crash ... BOOM! BOOM!

The roots that were stuck into the ground were like spider webs that were spreading wildly. They kept going deeper and deeper into the ground. After digging for a few thousand meters, they finally found a Deep Water Source. Then, the roots all stuck into the water source and absorbed it crazily.