The world's cheers and sorrow

The mutant beasts were driven to the no man's land in the Sahara Desert by the powerful forces of various countries?

88 countries all over the world, joining forces and killing them all?

The two sides engaged in a fierce battle ... In the end, 100000 soldiers were sacrificed, and all the mutated beasts were slaughtered?

As the major countries intentionally or unintentionally revealed this information ...

The entire world was in an uproar.

On all the QQ groups, forums, Weibo, Facebook ...

Any place where humans gathered to chat was filled with crazy discussions.

&Quot; Oh my God, it's unbelievable. An hour ago, there was a fierce battle in the Sahara Desert, and we didn't even know about it. Those mutated beasts were so hateful. It's good that they died. &Quot;

"Yes, yes, yes. But those soldiers are really amazing. My dream is to become a soldier."