Evolution complete and a new body

Two gene evolutions.

His five evolutions were full, and his physical fitness had increased.

Previously, when ye bei had used his shapeshifting ability in the tree cocoon, he hadn't been able to fully observe his body's overall condition. But now, things were different. After fully unleashing his shapeshifting ability, the condition of his body had completely exceeded his expectations.

A body that was five hundred and fifty meters long.

It was fifteen meters in diameter.

Its body was silver-white in color, and it looked extremely resplendent under the light of the spiritual pearls.

The bone spikes on his back were like sharp blades.

Each bone spike had distinct lines on it. Using his domain ability to examine them, ye bei even discovered that there seemed to be many strange runes carved on them.

Those runes were like hideous monsters, like scribbles, like the eyes of the devil ...

It was extremely strange, mysterious, and exuded a strange power.
