All parties preparing for the Global War

North Korea, as the strongest country in the universe.

They claimed to be able to send humans to the sun. From this, it could be seen that their country's technological level was ahead of other countries by many years.

On the entire earth, the only country that could compete with North Korea was Korea.


Therefore, when general Jin, who was sitting in front of the computer, stood up and said that he had a solution, the Korean president's reaction was the most intense. She also stood up from her seat with a whoosh.

"General Jin, are you sure you have a way? This is a global security Conference, so don't waste your time here."

The female president had an imposing aura and an expression of dissatisfaction.

As for the meeting room ...

The great Russia Emperor.

The head of China.

The United Kingdom, the United States, and France all held their foreheads with their hands on the spot.

They were completely convinced by the Korean and North Korea.