Alien life forms have appeared?


&Nbsp; Hong long long ...

The spinning of the helicopter's propeller and the sound of the helicopter landing on the living tree continued.

Humans had already reached the level of stubbornness toward living trees.

&Quot; you all wait here. I'll go and meet those humans. Also, Tony, I asked you to bring out the communication devices from the Research Institute. Now, set them up. I know that the President of the United States is behind you. After we're done, I'll talk to him personally. In this world, the strong have always been the king. The development of the mutated beasts has long surpassed humans. It's time for them to get down from the altar. &Quot;

Chi Chi!

Ye bei flicked his tongue.


After Tony and the others heard this, they did not dare to hesitate. They immediately squatted on the ground and began to assemble the base station and the communicator.