The beach dyed red with blood

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were too many mutated beasts rushing out of the Forest of Death. Including the ordinary beasts, there were more than 80000 of them.

The moment they appeared ...

The seawater at the inflated rock-climbing area seemed to be boiling, and the White waves kept rolling in all directions, making rumbling sounds.

In the surroundings.

The tourists were already in a mess because of the explosion.

When a large number of mutated beasts appeared, the tourists who were left behind were scared out of their wits.

&Quot; snakes, snakes ... There are so many snakes. They all ran out of the inflatable rock climbing! &Quot;

An old man's legs trembled, and his eyes were filled with great fear. His body froze on the spot, and he didn't have the strength to move at all. His mouth was constantly crying out in alarm.