Another mercenary organization appears

Squeak ...

Crack, crack!

The huge luxury cruise ship continued to make such sounds as ye bei twisted it around.

The humans who were hiding in the cabin didn't have time to escape. Under this powerful force, they were crushed into meat paste by the cabin.

"Jump, quickly jump down!"

"Damn it, this guy can grow ..."

&Quot; I remember now. Mutated beasts. These are the mutated beasts that were mentioned in the news more than three months ago. &Quot;

Plop, plop ...

Many of the humans outside chose to jump into the sea. At the same time, a small number of humans finally understood what they were facing when faced with the threat of death. However, it was too late.

The entire beach was surrounded by mutant beasts.

Pfft, pfft ...

Without exception, all the humans who had jumped into the sea were immediately torn to pieces by the mutated beasts the moment they fell into the water.

"Dad, dad ..."