Ye bei's mission and the changes in Japan

Ah ... &Nbsp;

His screams were accompanied by the waves, resounding non-stop.

In the blink of an eye, the entire mercenary team was devoured. Even at the moment of their death, they still did not understand what had happened.

After dealing with the mercenary team, ye bei flung his body and slammed it hard against the speedboat.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The speedboat exploded on the sea, sending flames everywhere.

This scene made Xiao Fan and the other two security guards break out in a cold sweat. Their eyes widened. They wanted to make a call to report to their superiors, but their hands holding the phone could not exert any strength.

But of course ...

The three security guards didn't even need to report what had happened at Qijia port. The higher-ups already knew.

As soon as the mutated beasts appeared on the beach, the entire Eastern Sea city was on high alert.

Countless police cars cleared the way ...

The Chinese army was also rushing over.
