This human idiot

At the exit of Qijia Harbor, there was a very wide asphalt road with many cars parked on the side ... They were all the tourists from before.

When the town security appeared, they immediately blocked the other side of the street.

Ping, ping, ping ...

The police baton in his hand was hitting the small cars on both sides of the street, making a clear sound.

About two hundred meters away from them ...

At the forefront was the silver-white ye bei, and behind him were countless mutated beasts.

The sun shone down.

From time to time, a sea breeze with the smell of blood would blow over.

Both sides stopped ...

This scene was captured by a passing satellite in the sky and immediately became one of the most influential images of the century. Anyone who saw it would be filled with shock.

"Brothers, get ready!"

Zhu Baichi, as an excellent Urban law enforcement officer, raised the baton in his hand and broke the silence.

Tap tap tap ...