Eastern Sea city is still the same but people have changed

In a small security room at Qijia Harbor.

&Nbsp; Whoosh!

The three security guards fell to the ground, their bodies weak and their faces pale. Their eyes were wide open. The video they had just watched had completely overturned their world view. They were even gasping for air.

&Quot; it's true. The news on the internet three months ago is all true. These are not monsters at all. They are mutated beasts from the Sahara Desert. They have come to Donghai city! &Quot;

Zhou Xuan came to a conclusion on this matter.

"It's over, it's completely over ... Everyone is going to die, everyone is going to die."

Xiao Fan was in extreme despair.


Although Chen Feng was exhausted, his hands were still searching the ground. His reaction was a little different."Mom, dad, and my daughter are all in Donghai ... Call them and tell them to run away."

In the security room, the three security guards looked funny.