Satellite surveillance, shocking countries

Japan, the prime minister's residence.

In a huge conference room, almost all the high-level officials of Japan were gathered. Even the Emperor came in person.

&Quot; everyone, our elite agents have successfully hijacked 21 fighter jets from China, and have adjusted their communication frequency. They are now flying in the air above China, ready to attack the mutant beasts at any time! &Quot;

When saying this, the Japanese Prime Minister even showed a proud smile.

Hijacking 21 fighter jets of a country ... This was indeed something to be happy about, and it was also an incredible thing. But until now, this guy probably never dreamed that all of this was deliberately hijacked by li Zhongguo's agents.

"Prime Minister! Although we have a feud with China, if we do this, it'll easily cause a war between the two countries. Once they find out that it was us, things will be troublesome."

Someone said.