The eastern sea city out of control

The sky gradually darkened.

However, it wasn't because it was almost dusk ... It was because the entire Eastern Sea city was under the attack of the mutated beasts. Explosions kept happening, and a large number of buildings were swallowed by the flames.

On the wide streets, mutated beasts were scuttling everywhere.


&Quot; I don't want to die! Let me go! I'll do anything you want! &Quot;

"It's over, it's all over. I still have so much money in my bank, it's all over."

"Doomsday? Didn't we agree on 2012 ..."

&Quot; lower your voice. D * mn it, don't attract the attention of these monsters. &Quot;

"I believe that the country will definitely come and save us."

On the streets, the captured humans were wailing. However, there was one thing that was the same. Every human's face was filled with despair. When a mutant beast passed by, they would curl up and shiver.

China was the country with the best control over weapons in the world.