Doomsday city, the miracle of the world


With the removal of the government's control, all the exchange places were flooded with live plants from Eastern Sea city.

The capital!

In the Second Ring Road, in the hall of a private villa, two old people, a man and a woman, sat.

The man turned on the TV, which was broadcasting the news about Eastern Sea city. There were photos and videos taken at the scene, as well as interviews with passersby who had witnessed the growth of live trees.

If ye bei had been here, he would have immediately recognized the two old men. They were his parents, Ye Qun and Wu Lian.

&Quot; a great crisis in Eastern Sea city "

"The great catastrophe in the history of China, where should all of humanity go?"

&Quot; shocking secret: the mystery of the disaster in Eastern Sea city "

&Quot; how many people are still alive after the incident in Eastern Sea city? "

&Quot; solution to collecting living trees: human intelligence is endless. &Quot;