The announcement of the colonization of Japan

The golden-haired President was in the 51st District of the United States, looking at the latest weapons.

At the same time-

What happened in Japan, on the other hand, shocked the whole world.

In China ...

Because of the country's situation, perhaps some truth could be concealed.

When ye bei invaded Japan and slaughtered countless humans, the internet and media around the world went into an uproar.

Among them,'Ben', who had been paying close attention to mutant beasts, received the news and immediately mobilized a satellite to the sky above Japan. When the latest scene was captured,' Ben 'sat in the office chair and couldn't speak.

"A mutated beast? that's too strong. Although Japan doesn't have a real Army, they have been studying weapons all these years and imported high-end weapons from the United States. Their ranking in the world is even higher. They were instantly defeated?"

'Ben' muttered.