Nuclear destruction and modification

In Area 51, West of the United States, 2000 meters deep in the sea.

&Quot; it's a success, it's definitely a success this time ... Almost all the places hit by the sound wave are dead, directly destroying their cell nuclei. Countless fish have died, and even the pilots in the air are all dead. I don't believe that Python can still be alive. &Quot;

The golden-haired President clenched his fists tightly. The scene that looked like doomsday and the countless dead American soldiers didn't make him sad at all. Instead, the death of these people made him feel that the sonic weapon had worked. He was full of excitement and agitation.

On the Woz aircraft carrier.

The number of American soldiers that ye bei had killed did not exceed 1000.

However, this sonic weapon had killed all the soldiers, leaving no survivors.