The call of the female snake

"Mayor Morpheus ... You?" he asked.

The golden-haired president's eyes were wide open as he felt a burning pain on his cheek.


"Mayor, why?"

The scientists around them ...

&Quot; if he can provide us with a good research environment, we can do whatever we want! &Quot;

"I don't have any objections,"

&Quot; by the way, after we surrender, are you really willing to offer your genes for our research? "

&Quot; if only I could get some skin. This body's strength is too terrifying. &Quot;

"It doesn't matter!"

These guys were all mad scientists. They didn't mind being ruled by other races.

Among them, the craziest one was none other than Einstein, the most intelligent genius in human history ... This guy was prostrating on the ground, his eyes filled with joy and piety, and he kept making a cross in front of his chest with one hand.

"God! God ... Please bless me to solve the mystery of the world!"