The battle (5)

"Go to hell! Disgusting human!"


On a battleship, the king of mutated monkeys, Caesar, was holding a pitch-black chain in his hands.

With a wave of his arm, the chains struck the deck, creating a series of sparks and clattering sounds.

As for the soldiers on the warship, their faces turned green when they faced such a situation. They gritted their teeth and held all kinds of weapons in their hands, shooting without any regard for their lives!

Tap tap tap tap ...

Bang Bang Bang!

The bullet left a trail in the air.

"Damn monkey, you're the one who should die."

"I'm going to turn you into a sieve ..."

"Bastard! Go to hell ..."

While shooting, these humans were shouting.

However, these bullets either hit the chain in Caesar's hand or hit Caesar's body ... The intense pain did not make Caesar retreat at all. Instead, it made him even more furious.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The black chains spun in the air, making whooshing sounds.