Strange movements in the death Triangle

Eastern Sea city!

City center unknown.

Ever since the snake civilization had taken control of this place, they had built a huge square in this location, which was usually used for high-level meetings.

When Caesar left the research room, he immediately informed Wang Wen, Golden Lion, Blood Moon, and Gu Yue.

"Golden Lion, Gu Yue, we've just received news about the death Triangle. It's a place where human civilization entered. We haven't had the time to explore it since we've taken control of the world."

Seeing that everyone was present, Caesar went straight to the point.

Golden lion's fur stood on end when he heard this. During this period of time, he hadn't been going around to devour his prey. After ye bei disappeared, he had been frantically absorbing the information left behind by human civilization and supplementing the beast God civilization's technology.

He had a certain understanding of the great death Triangle.