Opening the diamond treasure chest

The diamond treasure chest was one of the highest-level treasure chests provided by the system.

Moreover, this was the first time ye bei had ever received a treasure chest of this level ...

&Nbsp; Whoosh!

After hearing the system's voice, ye bei's breathing quickened.

This thing was even more exciting than ye bei's evolution into a sky-devouring Python.

&Quot; very good, system. Let's open the diamond treasure chest! &Quot;

Ye bei was crouched on the ground, and his voice was filled with excitement as he spoke.

"Yes, host!"

Buzz ... Buzz ...

The next moment, a huge treasure chest suddenly appeared in front of ye bei.

This treasure chest was made of diamond, crystal clear, and extremely resplendent ... Furthermore, it had been perfectly cut. It was clearly a transparent material, but one could not see what was inside.

Crack! Crack!

First, there was a cracking sound.

Then, under ye bei's watchful gaze, the diamond treasure chest slowly opened.