The human Federation was established to divide the countries

"Gu Yue! In the future, he would be the core leader of the human race! Although you have used the evolution potion, your lifespan is still not long. After becoming an Apostle, your lifespan will increase!"


As soon as he finished speaking, ye bei immediately turned his gaze to Gu Yue.

Originally, he had wanted to make the Russia Emperor or the leader of China an Apostle ... But deep in ye bei's heart, there was a certain degree of selfishness, and he had given the position to Gu Yue.


Gu Yue stepped forward.

His face was calm and extremely composed.

Her long black hair fluttered in the breeze.

Recently, after the snake tribe had taken control of the entire planet, Gu Yue was mainly in charge of the operations of all the humans. Without her realizing it, she had already developed a sufficient imposing manner and might.


Ye bei nodded.

Chi Chi ...