A slash of twenty thousand meters


The Blackwater behemoth's eyeball was extremely large.

The moment ye bei's fist exploded, a large amount of hydrochloric acid-like substance gushed out of it.

But ...

Under bullet time, none of this could affect ye bei at all.

Bang! Bang!

Chi Chi!

Boom boom boom ...

Ye bei didn't slow down, and he successfully destroyed the first eyeball. Immediately after, he began to attack the other eyeballs as quickly as he could.

In the deep sea, there were constant terrifying explosions.

In less than a second, all of the eyeballs on the Blackwater behemoth's body exploded ... It became blind!

At this moment, ye bei had also ended his bullet time and returned to his original spot, wanting to see if his attack had worked.

"Bastard, you deserve to die!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The eyeball exploded.

An unprecedented pain spread throughout his body.